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Date: 1.09.2012
Amount: 4.28 MB

Lauren St. John
Lauren St. John
The White Giraffe (Book 2008) - Barnes &.Visit's Lauren St. John Page and shop for all Lauren St. John books and other Lauren St. John related products (DVD, CDs, Apparel). Check out pictures
Dolphin Song (Book 2008) -
Official website of Lauren St John, author of The White Giraffe amongst many other fiction and non-fiction titles.
Dolphin Song (Book 2007) - Goodreads
Dolphin Song has 751 ratings and 105 reviews. Paige.s said: I thought this book was really great because it is about a girl named Martine and her family
Martine’s parents are killed in a fire, and she must leave her home in England to live on a wildlife reserve in Africa with a grandmother she never even knew she had.

Lauren St John bei Amazon
Lauren St. John is the author of The White Giraffe (3.97 avg rating, 2453 ratings, 398 reviews, published 2007), Dolphin Song (4.13 avg rating, 753 ratin
Official website of Lauren St John, author of The White Giraffe amongst many other fiction and non-fiction titles.
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Grade 4–7—Continuing the story begun in The White Giraffe (Dial, 2007), St. John throws 11-year-old Martine into another dangerous situation in which she must
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